How to Extract a Broken Key from a Lock

Youmna Rehman • Feb 08, 2024

Discovering a broken key lodged inside a lock can be a frustrating and stressful situation. Whether it's your home, office, or car, a broken key can render your lock unusable, leaving you stranded and seeking a solution. However, with the right approach and knowledge, dealing with broken keys in locks can be manageable and even fixable.

Broken keys can occur due to various reasons, ranging from wear and tear over time to excessive force applied during insertion or turning. Regardless of the cause, addressing the issue promptly and effectively is essential to regain access and restore security to your property or vehicle. In this guide, we'll explore the common causes of key breakage, practical steps to take after a key breaks, and methods for safely extracting the broken key from the lock. With our expert tips and guidance, you'll be equipped to handle broken keys in locks with confidence and ease, ensuring minimal disruption to your daily routine and peace of mind in knowing your security is restored.

Read here The Common Lock Problems and Lock Fixes!

Why Do Keys Break in Locks?

The scenario of a key snapping within a lock can be both unexpected and frustrating. Understanding the reasons behind key breakage is essential to prevent such occurrences and maintain the integrity of your locks. Several factors contribute to keys breaking in locks, including:

  1. Material Fatigue: Over time, keys can weaken due to repeated use, leading to material fatigue. This is especially common with keys made from softer metals like brass or nickel-silver. Continuous stress and bending can cause the key to weaken and eventually break.
  2. Excessive Force: Applying excessive force when turning the key in the lock can lead to breakage. This often occurs when individuals try to force a stiff or stubborn lock open, causing undue stress on the key.
  3. Misalignment: Misaligned locks or keys can result in binding and resistance when turning the key. This can lead to increased pressure on specific points of the key, making it susceptible to breakage.
  4. Foreign Objects: Foreign objects, such as debris or small fragments, may find their way into the lock mechanism. When the key encounters these obstructions during insertion, it can cause bending or breakage.
  5. Poor Quality Keys: Keys made from inferior materials or manufacturing processes may lack durability and resilience. Such keys are more prone to breakage under normal usage conditions.

Read here about what to do when key wont turn into the lock.

What to Do After a Key Breaks in the Lock

Discovering a broken key lodged inside a lock can be a disconcerting experience, but it's essential to remain calm and take the appropriate steps to address the situation. Here's what to do after a key breaks in the lock:

  1. Assess the Situation: Begin by assessing the severity of the break. Determine how much of the key remains inside the lock and whether any fragments are protruding.
  2. Avoid Force: Refrain from attempting to force the broken key further into the lock or turning it with excessive force. Doing so could exacerbate the problem and make extraction more challenging.
  3. Retrieve Fragments: If any fragments of the key are visible and easily accessible, carefully remove them from the lock using tweezers or needle-nose pliers. Be cautious not to push the fragments further into the lock.
  4. Inspect the Lock: Take a closer look at the lock to ensure that there are no foreign objects or obstructions obstructing the keyway. Clear any debris or buildup that may impede the extraction process.
  5. Select Extraction Method: Depending on the severity of the break and the accessibility of the key fragments, choose an appropriate extraction method. Common methods include using needle-nose pliers, a key extractor tool, or super glue and a toothpick.
  6. Proceed with Extraction: Carefully follow the chosen extraction method, exercising patience and precision. Take your time to avoid causing further damage to the lock or keyway.
  7. Consider Professional Assistance: If you're unable to extract the broken key on your own or if the breakage is severe, consider seeking assistance from a professional locksmith. Locksmiths have the expertise and specialized tools necessary to safely and efficiently extract broken keys from locks.
  8. Preventive Measures: Once the key has been successfully extracted, take preventive measures to avoid future key breakage. Use quality keys made from durable materials, avoid applying excessive force when operating locks, and schedule regular maintenance for your locks.

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Choosing the Right Method: How Your Lock Type Counts in Key Extraction?

Selecting the appropriate method for extracting a broken key from a lock depends significantly on the type of lock you're dealing with. Different lock designs and mechanisms may require specific techniques and tools for successful extraction. Here's how your lock type counts in key extraction:

  1. Pin Tumbler Locks: Pin tumbler locks, commonly found in residential and commercial settings, consist of a series of pins that must align to allow the lock to turn. When dealing with a broken key in a pin tumbler lock, methods such as using needle-nose pliers or a key extractor tool are often effective. These tools allow you to grasp and pull out the broken key fragment without causing further damage to the lock.
  2. Wafer Locks: Wafer locks, frequently used in automotive and furniture applications, feature wafer-like components instead of pins. Extracting a broken key from a wafer lock may require a slightly different approach. Super glue and a toothpick can be used to create a makeshift key and pull out the broken fragment. Alternatively, a key extractor tool designed specifically for wafer locks may be necessary for successful extraction.
  3. Smart Locks and Electronic Locks: Smart locks and electronic locks incorporate advanced technology and may present unique challenges when it comes to key extraction. In some cases, manual extraction methods may not be suitable due to the lock's electronic components. In such instances, it's best to consult the manufacturer's guidelines or seek assistance from a professional locksmith who is familiar with electronic lock systems.
  4. High-Security Locks: High-security locks, such as disc detainer locks or dimple locks, require specialized expertise and tools for key extraction. Attempting to extract a broken key from a high-security lock without the necessary knowledge and equipment could risk further damage to the lock. It's advisable to enlist the services of a qualified locksmith who has experience working with high-security lock systems.

Tools for Removing Broken Keys from Locks

Extracting a broken key from a lock requires the use of specialized tools designed to safely and effectively remove the key fragments without causing damage to the lock mechanism. Here are some essential tools for key extraction:

  1. Needle-Nose Pliers: Needle-nose pliers are versatile tools that can be used to grasp and pull out key fragments from the lock cylinder. Their long, narrow jaws provide precision and control, making them suitable for accessing tight spaces within the keyway.
  2. Key Extractor Tool: A key extractor tool, also known as a broken key extractor, is specifically designed for extracting broken keys from locks. This tool features a serrated tip that grips onto the broken key fragment, allowing you to pull it out of the lock cylinder with ease.
  3. Tweezers: Fine-tipped tweezers are handy for extracting small key fragments or debris from the lock. Their narrow jaws can reach into tight spaces and grasp onto the broken key fragment, facilitating its removal from the keyway.
  4. Super Glue and Toothpick: In cases where the broken key fragment is not protruding from the lock cylinder, super glue and a toothpick can be used to create a makeshift key for extraction. Apply a small amount of super glue to the end of a toothpick and carefully attach it to the broken key fragment. Once the glue has cured, gently pull the toothpick to extract the key fragment from the lock.
  5. Lock Lubricant: Lock lubricant can help loosen stuck key fragments and facilitate their extraction from the lock cylinder. Apply a small amount of lock lubricant to the keyway and broken key fragment before attempting extraction to reduce friction and resistance.
  6. Locksmith's Extractor Kit: A locksmith's extractor kit contains a variety of specialized tools and accessories designed for key extraction. These kits typically include different types of extractors, probes, and hooks to tackle various key extraction scenarios effectively.

Method 1: Using Needle-Nose Pliers for Extraction

Needle-nose pliers are a simple yet effective tool for removing broken keys from locks. Here's how to use them:

  1. Assess the Situation: Carefully examine the broken key and the lock to determine the best approach for extraction.
  2. Grasp the Key Fragment: Use the narrow jaws of the needle-nose pliers to grasp onto the broken key fragment firmly.
  3. Pull Out the Fragment: Gently pull the pliers outward to extract the broken key fragment from the lock cylinder. Exercise caution to avoid pushing the fragment further into the lock.
  4. Inspect the Keyway: After removing the key fragment, inspect the keyway and ensure that no debris or obstructions remain.
  5. Test the Lock: Insert a spare key or the remaining portion of the broken key into the lock to ensure that it operates smoothly without any issues.

Method 2: Employing a Key Extraction Kit

A key extraction kit contains specialized tools designed specifically for removing broken keys from locks. Here's how to use a key extraction kit:

  1. Select the Extractor Tool: Choose the appropriate extractor tool from the kit based on the type of lock and the severity of the key break.
  2. Insert the Extractor: Insert the extractor tool into the keyway alongside the broken key fragment, ensuring that it grips onto the fragment securely.
  3. Rotate and Pull: Rotate the extractor tool in the direction of the key's normal turning motion while applying gentle pressure. This action should help dislodge the broken key fragment from the lock cylinder.
  4. Extract the Key: Once the key fragment is freed from the lock cylinder, carefully pull it out using the extractor tool. Be patient and avoid applying excessive force to prevent further damage to the lock.
  5. Inspect and Test: Inspect the keyway for any remaining debris or obstructions, then test the lock with a spare key to ensure proper operation.

Method 3: Utilizing Super Glue and a Toothpick

Super glue and a toothpick can be used to create a makeshift key for extracting broken key fragments that are not protruding from the lock cylinder. Here's how to use this method:

  1. Apply Super Glue: Apply a small amount of super glue to the end of a toothpick.
  2. Attach the Toothpick: Carefully attach the super glue-coated end of the toothpick to the broken key fragment inside the lock cylinder.
  3. Allow the Glue to Cure: Wait for the super glue to fully cure and bond with the broken key fragment.
  4. Pull Out the Key: Once the glue has cured, gently pull the toothpick outward to extract the broken key fragment from the lock cylinder.
  5. Inspect and Test: Inspect the keyway for any remaining debris or obstructions, then test the lock with a spare key to ensure proper operation.

How to Remove a Broken Key When Part of the Key Isn’t Sticking Out of the Lock?

Encountering a broken key where part of it remains lodged inside the lock can present a challenging situation. However, with the right approach and tools, you can safely extract the broken key and restore functionality to the lock. Here’s how to remove a broken key when part of it isn’t sticking out of the lock:

  1. Assess the Situation: Begin by carefully examining the lock and assessing the extent of the key breakage. Determine how much of the key is still inside the lock and whether any visible fragments are protruding.
  2. Use Needle-Nose Pliers: If a portion of the broken key is visible and accessible, use needle-nose pliers to grip and gently pull it out of the lock. Apply steady pressure while wiggling the key fragment to loosen it from the lock mechanism.
  3. Apply Lubricant: If the broken key fragment is stubborn and won’t budge, apply a small amount of lubricant, such as graphite powder or WD-40, to the keyway. Allow the lubricant to penetrate the lock mechanism and help loosen the key fragment.
  4. Utilize a Key Extraction Tool: Key extraction tools, also known as broken key extractors, are designed specifically for removing broken keys from locks. Insert the extractor into the keyway alongside the broken key fragment and gently twist it to grip the key. Slowly pull the extractor and the broken key fragment out of the lock.
  5. Seek Professional Assistance: If attempts to remove the broken key are unsuccessful or if you’re uncomfortable performing the extraction yourself, it’s best to seek assistance from a professional locksmith. Locksmiths have the expertise and specialized tools needed to safely extract broken keys and restore functionality to the lock without causing damage.

Tips for Avoiding Key Breakage in the Future

Preventing key breakage is essential to avoid the inconvenience and potential security risks associated with a broken key in a lock. By implementing some simple preventive measures, you can minimize the risk of key breakage and maintain the integrity of your locks.

  • Use Quality Keys: Invest in high-quality keys made from durable materials to reduce the risk of breakage.
  • Handle Keys with Care: Avoid applying excessive force or twisting motions when inserting or turning keys in locks.
  • Regular Maintenance: Keep your locks well-maintained by cleaning and lubricating them regularly to ensure smooth operation.
  • Replace Worn Keys: If your keys show signs of wear or damage, such as bends or cracks, replace them promptly to prevent breakage.
  • Be Mindful of Temperature: Extreme temperature fluctuations can weaken keys over time, so store them in moderate environments.

Lock Lubrication

Proper lubrication is essential for keeping your locks functioning smoothly and preventing key breakage. Use a silicone-based or graphite lubricant to lubricate the keyway and internal components of your locks regularly. Apply the lubricant sparingly to avoid attracting dirt and debris, which can contribute to lock malfunction.

Replacement Keys

Having spare keys on hand is a wise precautionary measure in case of key breakage or loss. Keep duplicates of your keys in a safe place, such as with a trusted friend or family member, or invest in a key duplication service. Replacement keys can save you time and hassle in emergency situations.

When to Reach out to a Locksmith?

While preventive measures can help minimize the risk of key breakage, sometimes unforeseen circumstances may still arise. Knowing when to reach out to a locksmith for assistance can save you time, money, and frustration. In this section, we'll outline common scenarios where professional locksmith services may be needed, such as extracting broken keys, repairing damaged locks, or rekeying locks after a break-in. We'll also discuss the benefits of hiring a locksmith and provide guidance on choosing a reputable and reliable locksmith in your area. By knowing when to seek professional help, you can ensure that any lock or key issues are addressed promptly and effectively, minimizing disruption to your daily life and maintaining the security of your property or vehicle.

Protecting Yourself and the Lock During Extraction

When dealing with broken keys in locks, safety should always be a top priority. In this section, we'll discuss essential safety precautions to protect yourself and the lock during the extraction process. From wearing protective gear to avoiding unnecessary force, we'll provide valuable tips for ensuring a safe and successful key extraction experience. By following these precautions, you can minimize the risk of injury and damage while effectively resolving the issue at hand.

Handling Difficult Scenarios and Complex Breaks

While many key extraction scenarios are straightforward, some situations may present challenges or complications. In this troubleshooting section, we'll address common difficulties and provide guidance for handling complex breaks. Whether the key is stuck deep within the lock or has broken off at an awkward angle, we'll offer expert tips and techniques for navigating these challenging scenarios. By equipping yourself with troubleshooting strategies, you'll be better prepared to tackle even the most stubborn key extraction tasks and achieve successful outcomes.


In conclusion, successfully extracting a broken key from a lock is a manageable task with the right approach and tools. By following the methods and precautions outlined in this guide, you can effectively resolve key breakage issues and restore functionality to your locks. From preventive measures to professional assistance, we've covered all aspects of key extraction, empowering you to address broken keys with confidence and ease. Remember to prioritize safety, exercise patience, and seek professional help if needed. With our expert guidance, you'll be well-equipped to overcome key breakage challenges and maintain the security of your property or vehicle.

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